Released September, 09 2017|1 hours 50 minutes

‘Flatliners’ is a movie genre Drama, was released in September 28, 2017. Niels Arden Oplev was directed this movie and starring by Ellen Page. This movie tell story about Five medical students, hoping to gain insight into the mystery of what lies beyond the confines of life, embark on a daring and dangerous experiment. By stopping their hearts for short periods of time, each triggers a near-death experience. As the investigation becomes more and more perilous, they are forced to confront the sins of their pasts, as well as contend with the paranormal consequences of trespassing to the other side.
Directed By | : | Niels Arden Oplev. |
Produced By | : | Laurence Mark, Michael Douglas. |
Genre | : | Drama, Science Fiction. |
Language | : | English. |
Country | : | Canada, United States of America. |
Production | : | The Safran Company, Columbia Pictures, Cross Creek Pictures, Furthur Films, Laurence Mark Productions. |
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